NEWSLETTER - Green Cross
Water for Life,
Water for Peace

Since to 2003 is in Palestine the natural scarcity of water resources in the Jordan river basin is complicated by the permanent political crisis.
Due to security restrictions enforced by Israel, people and water tanks cannot move freely. Almost 15% of Palestinians do not have adequate water supply. 10% have less than 30 l. p.c. per day. In 30 villages, the available p.c. amount is 10 l. per day. 85% of communities have no adequate sanitation. In some cases, water prices have trebled, and some people spend 30% of their income on water.
Our actions to respond to this alarming situation include:

- The Water for Life Campaign, which brings together 650 village councils. On a monthly basis, they provide information which is made available in a public database (details can be found at, in order to empower people and enable their participation in the management of water resources.
- Construction of rainfall harvesting systems - 1,000 were constructed last year, with a capacity of 70 m3 each; 30 ponds were constructed for agricultural purposes, each with a capacity of 240 m3.
- Improvement of sanitation, especially in rural areas, through biological treatment systems. Four treatment units were provided in different parts of the West Bank.
- Public awareness and water conservation. Water Conservation Centers were created in Gaza and in the West Bank, where people can learn about tools and ways to reduce water use.
- Rehabilitation of old water networks, springs and groundwater wells. Some of these activities have been supported by region Emilia Romagna and GVC, a NGO based in Bologna.

For sustainable solutions to be achieved, water should be allocated equally. A change of perception is needed, we should no longer speak of occupiers and the occupied. We need to build bridges, not further separations or walls.
Effective and balanced water governance can be attained by forming managing boards in each country, with the participation of the public and of NGO's. Such boards can form a regional board with the assistance of unbiased international agencies. Only then can an ethical code of conduct and a water charter be adopted. At the same time, appropriate enforcement mechanisms should be put in place, to ensure that commitments are implemented.
Short, medium and long term plans should be drawn up, as well as common strategies with clear targets and deadlines. Other key issues are the affordability of water pricing, effective awareness campaigns and appropriate technology.

Ayman Rabi- Palestine Hydrology Group

Access to water is not a privilege, it’s a right
Green Cross urges the international community to take the initiative, to assume responsibility and to play their part in the great human mission enshrined in the Millennium Development Goals. People in villages, cities and towns, so often the instigators of change, innovation and solidarity, are absolutely central to this mission. Governments – including local governments – must lead by example. Hence the campaign for the Right to Water »

The climate cannot be put in a cage or deposited in a bank. Air is the freest element on this earth: it is everywhere. It gets into every corner. The wind and rain are not constrained by borders or obstacles. Climate is the most global thing that exists: unless it is dealt with through a global framework, all the citizens of the world will pay the price for its neglect »
Shimon Peres

The Road from a Fossil to a Sustainable Energy Economy:
The Strategy in Iceland

Iceland would be almost entirely free from imported fossil fuel and its greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced to below 50% of the present level »
Bragi Árnason

The Jordan River Basin
The precious waters of the Jordan basin are growing ever scarcer, and as populations increase so will the pressure on and competition for this water. Multilateral management plans and agreements are urgently needed to secure a viable future for all people in the basin and avoid the » re-emergence of conflicts over water »
Access to Water isn't a privilege,IT IS A RIGHT

Access to Water isn't a privilege,

1.2 billion people do not have access to drinking water
2.4 billion lack basic sanitation
Thirst kills
So does dirty water

Sign the petition now

In the time it has taken you to read this page, 9 people have died from water-borne illnesses.

5 of them are children.

Please add your signature to the millions needed in order to convince your government to begin official negotiations on the International Convention on the Right to Water.

Aid & Donations
can be paid into
Green Cross Italia NGO
Bank C/A no 2630338
Banca di Roma - Branch 118
ABI 03002
CAB 03264


Every grant to Green Cross Italia is fiscally deductible by private citizens and enterprises according to the law 49/1987 about the international cooperation or according to the legislative decree 460/1997 relative to the NGOs

(Non Governmental Organizations)
53, Flaminia Street
00196 - ROME
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