NEWSLETTER - Green Cross
Development needs to be guided

A first reading of the conclusion of the Glasgow G8 Meeting, about the commitments taken towards aids to Africa, leads us to a prudent optimism.
The promise to allocate 50 billion dollars for the next five years and to partially cancel the debts of 18 among the poorest nations is, however, a real step ahead.
In the past years growth & development, social security and environment topics were discussed in diverse occasions: Genoa and Evian G8, other international meetings such as the World Water Forum and the Conference of Johannesburg and even more.
In these meetings, international and national institutions, groups of interest, companies and State communities have promised aids and financial obligations, setting up a lot of hope. But the most sensitive part of the public opinion is now expecting to be informed on issues like the total sum enlarged, the total sum spent, when the debts will be actually cancelled from the relative State's budgets, which obstacles have been encountered and which could be encountered the future.

Which are indicators is possible to verify quality of use and if it's posible to draw efficacy?

Trust towards politics is decreasing everywhere. More and more often we hear about a Perestrojka which would cross institutions and international policy. The partial use of resources, in terms of allocation and efficacy, could mean a dangerous defeat for all.

The set back of the development policy to support the most fragile countries, represents not only a disaster for values and morality that lie at the base of our communities, but reinforces the overall sense of insecurity.
It is therefore critical that governors act scrupulously and in a correct manner. It is also important to monitor their actions and to keep the public opinion informed and updated, trough Glasnost' s decision in order to diminish their distance from the governors.
The role of monitoring on the actions and orientation in the use of the resources could be effectively brought ahead by a Commission or multilateral international Fund.
To guarantee the well functioning and the independence of this organism there should be a board of people made up by respectful personalities, appreciated and renewed for their high morality, for their expertise and capacities.

People gifted of capacity of influence and prestige, able to fully meet our expectations of commitment in such delicate and honorable field, can be found in the sphere of politics, science, culture, communication, among ex heads of state and among international organizations managers
Transparency, in these processes, is a 'must', also in respect of the citizen's willingness to make donations, a habit that, in the recent past, has brought to an extraordinary mobilization and solidarity.

Lastly, we do not want to ignore the attacks in London.

We want to join the mourning of the victims of a blind violence that cannot be justified. The decision taken by the G8 at Glasgow to allocate 3 billion dollars for Palestine makes us hope that it has finally been taken a way to reach a political solution. Without a solution of conflicts, of the misery and of the under development, there is no hope to defeat terrorism.

Elio Pacilio
Green Cross Italia Vice - President

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